2016年10月25日 星期二

缺錢做研究嗎?可以試試集資哦~ (crowdfunding)


- Use a crowdfunding platform that specializes in raising money for science, and not just any kind of project.
- Present the project with a funny video.
- Engage with potential donors.
- Target a small amount of money.

原文說分析的 371 個科學研究中,有 246 個是 >=100% funded,相當於 66% 集資成功,感覺還滿高的。

研究的集資平台有 11 個,有四個是 science only,一個主打是 health projects。
* Experiment.com Science-only platform, English, online since 2012, until January 2015: 11,328 donors donated US$1.3M for 3888 projects
* Petridish.org Science-only platform, English, online since 2011
* Sciflies.org Science-only platform, English, online since 2010
* Medstartr.com Platform focusing on health projects, English, online since 2012, until 2013: US$150,000 donated
* Sciencestarter.de Science-only platform, German, online since 2012

其他是通用的集資平台,裡面最有名的應該是 Kickstarter。
* Fundly.com General platform, English, online since 2009
* Indiegogo.com General platform, multilingual, online since 2008
* Kickstarter.com General platform, English, online since 2009, since 2009: 7.7 million donors donated approximately US$1B for 76,000 projects
* Pozible.com General platform, English, online since 2010, since 2010: US$25.5 million donated for 7851 projects
* Rally.org General platform, English, online since 2009 (rebranded in 2011), until 2013: 5 million users donated for 25,000 projects
* Rockethub.org General platform, English, online since 2010

有興趣可以去 Experiment 那個看,沒想到裡面還不少,Biology 那個真是各式各樣都有,像是烏龜如何 close their shell,還有鳥和青蛙是否可以告訴我們地震快來了,另外有一個是利用 CRISPR/Cas9 和病毒治療癌症的研究。

PS. 後來發現這個也是 science-only 的集資網站感覺也不錯:Crowed.Science(英國腦神經學家 Dr. David Nutt, Imperial College London 是用這個網站集資做 LSD 的研究


Maggie Kuo, Thinking of crowdfunding your science? Study suggests some tips. Science, News (2016)


MS Schäfer et al, Selling science 2.0: What scientific projects receive crowdfunding online? PUS (2016)


